The radiometer was also used with a dive light. This produced more variability in the reflected light. This is most likely due to the distance and angle the light was from the subject. Below are the five different spectra of Didemnum using the dive light. Again, all these spectra have been divided by the closest dive light illuminated plate reading.
I was surprised that the ambient light readings looked similar to the DiveSpec readings. When looking at the raw data and seeing a single spike around 550, I figured there was to much organic material between the radiometer and the subject. However, to my surprise I discovered by using the plate readings, this unwanted light can be removed. I expect that if the radiometer were to be deployed on an AUV, it would be in less turbid waters then these.
In other news I should be finishing the visibility report soon. I will be happy to be done with it. Having never used matlab before I second guessed myself on a lot of the operations I did. However, this has helped me build confidence in my matlab skills. That being said, I find it quite frustrating that I can not find any strong correlations. I compared diver reports of currents and MVCO reports and they do not match at all. I assume the currents are variable and can change within a short time span. I have looked at a comparison between what the diver reports the current as and what the diver reports the visibility as and there is a relationship. However, the diver reports of current do not match the MVCO reports so I do not see the same relationship between MVCO current and diver visibility. So this gets me no where. I have been experimenting with three dimensional graphs in matlab. Even with the three dimensional graphs, swell height is still the only condition I can find any correlations with. Here are two three dimensional graphs,
Again, I don't see the correlation with period I have been expecting. I have looked at wave and swell period, and its just not there. I have no doubt that swell period does affect particle suspension, but it is not apparent in this data. I have recently learned that someone else at WHOI is doing the same comparison as I am. I look forward to comparing results.
This week I also got a quick introduction to the LISST. Next week I will be using it to determine the attenuation coefficient of Bentonite clay.