Thursday, June 10, 2010

In other news, we gathered spectra using both the DiveSpec and the Satlantic radiometer. The DiveSpec is functional, and I compared the Spectralon 99 and 95 plaques above and below water. I used the 99% as a reference for the DiveSpec, the spectra above and below water looked like this,

I then read the 95% plaque,

The reflectance of the 95% plaque was between 80-95% for both above and below water readings. These readings were at a 90 degree angle to the plaque. I also used the signature mode the DiveSpec to examine so other reflectance patterns. This graph shows reflectance of fluorescent light looking down into water and a second reflectance pattern from below the water surface, the difference between these two spectra give you a rough estimate of reflectance off only the waters surface.

The next set of graphs show reflectance spectra taken by the Satlantic radiometer. The spectra were taken by pointing both the light and the radiometer at the Spectralon 95 plaque. The first is of a white LED light and its very smooth and consistent. The graph shows 35 different readings from the radiometer. The second graph shows the reflectance of a xenon strobe. This shows 35 different readings as well. This gives you an idea of what the reflectance spectra looks like, however the radiometer and strobe were not synchronized, thus producing the variation you see.

Hopefully next week we will have reflectance spectra from various objects in the water including Didemnum. I have written a matlab program for importing and graphing data from both the Dive Spec and the Satlantic radiometer. I look forward to seeing what Didemnum spectra look like next week.

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